Thursday, April 30, 2009

Medevil party update

In the Club Penguin newspaper, it gives an update on what will happen for the members only thing. It seems that you members out there will get to go on a maze in which you have to find keys to doors! Well, thats about all.
-Tiny Tim77

Last day of Hat Contest

Please post a comment telling your guess!! Frossstty is the only one who has guessed how many hats, wigs, and other head items I have. I need more people! I might have to extend it.... Please post a comment!! For those of you who are new here, the contest is to guess how many hats, wigs, and head items I have. Whoever gets the closest wins, and will be my friend on cp. If you are already my friend on cp, I will post a post about your site on my blog.
-Tiny Tim77

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Free coins cheat is awesome and WORKS!|

The coin cheat I posted about yesterday is awesome!!!! Look at this picture of how many coins I got!!
Isn't this awesome!!! Hurry before CP fixes it! WOOT IM RICH! ;-)
-Tiny Tim77

Date and time clues for Wig Party

These are the last two clues to my wig party!

Clue #3- Date:
It is in May. It is not Friday. It is not Monday. SUPER HINT: 1+1=? May _

Clue #4- Time:

so, you want to know how to get to my wig?
well, listeN up and dont do a jig.

if you look closely you will see,
not everythIng is so small says me.

so doNt make a fret,
cause i'll make a bet,

if you look closely and see,
you will gradly procEed
to the party with me!

Hope you got these!
-Tiny Tim77

Free coins cheat!

Credit to Fireballguy and his gang for this cheat.
1.) Go to the coffee shop
2.) Go to bean counters
3.) Right before the yes or no question comes up click your igloo
4.) Once your at your igloo click yes
5.)Play for as many coins as you want
6.) Then keep pressing x and ok x and ok x and ok etc. Every time you click x and ok you get the amount of coins you earned playing!
7.) Log off and Log back on to see your coins!
WOOT! This is almost as good as the million coin glitch that used to be at the night club! Hurry before CP fixes the glitch!
-Tiny Tim77

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tiny Chat moved

Tiny chat is no longer on the side. It is now on the bottom! Look under everything to find Tiny chat!
-Tiny Tim77

Dont forget my contest

This is a reminder of my contest still going on. Try to guess how many hats, wigs, and head items I have on cp. You can guess three times. The end date is on April 30 (Thursday)
-Tiny Tim77

2nd clue changed

A little after I posted the second clue to my wig party, I realized there was actually TWO places that it could be. Still using the picture, use this clue to finish the second clue: the room.

I.R. Hint: what does it stand for?

-Tiny Tim77

2nd Wig Party clue

Wig Party clue #2- place:

Hope you got it!
-Tiny Tim77

Monday, April 27, 2009

Tiny Chat!

Well, to make things more intresting, I started Tiny chat! Scroll down and look at the right side. Eventually you will find the chat. You can talk with fans of me and Dust Paw, and sometimes even us ourselves! I hope you like the new chat, because it took a long time!
-Tiny Tim77

Wig Party!- First Clue

I am planning a wig party, it will be very soon! Here is the first clue- The Server:

I want this to be a sweet party, so were the best/funniest wig u got! WOOT this will be fun! Check back later: I might post another clue......
-Tiny Tim77

New wig sneak Peak

There will be a new wig in the coming catolog on May 1. (Friday) I have the same guess as Mimo, I say it is a blonde wig. Also, Club Penguin will be taking screen shots of big parties with wigs, so wear your best wig, and find alot of other people, you just might be in a screen shot!
-Tiny Tim77

Sunday, April 26, 2009

1000 hits party canceled

I am sad to say that my 1000 hits party has been canceled. Somthing came up on the day I planned it. Sigh. Oh well. I will have a 9000 hits party soon, so look for clues!
-Tiny Tim77

All the games I play

I play alot of games, but Club Penguin is and always will be my favorite. Here are all the games I play, and a picture of me in each game. As you see, in chobots I am TinyTim7. Somone stole my name! ;-)
Club Penguin

Planet Cazmo
-Tiny Tim77

Huge Band!

Me and Frossstty were playing in a huge band! This band was huge, and when I say huge I mean HUGE! WOOT! I played the violin.
-Tiny Tim77

Saturday, April 25, 2009

A contest

Here is a fun contest for those of you who are competitive. Try to guess how many hats, wigs and head items I have. Thid includes things from the tresaure book I have. Post a comment saying your guess! The closest guess gets to be my buddy on Club Penguin! If you are already my buddy, we will throw a party for you!
-Tiny Tim77

Friday, April 24, 2009

New Pin

Sorry I'm late on this. Here is how to get the new pin.
1.) Click your map
2.)Click the Dojo Courtyard
3.)Walk over to the new tree pin!
Sorry about the lateness of this. The person whose username is Marty 147 is another buddy of mine on cp.
-Tiny Tim77

Frossstty's super mod party over, and my party!

Wow... That party was just wow.... Well, I wasn't really sure what happened. I was there for about five minutes, then I had to leave because I had soccer. I didnt see anyone except Frossstty. Post a comment if you were there.
Also, my party is coming up, and I hope you got all the clues! I want a big party for my 1000 hits!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tour guide and agents getting paid update

The newspaper came out today for club penguin, and it finnaly tells how much us hard working agents and tour guides get paid! ;-) For each job you do you will get 250 coins each monthm, which means if you are both a tour guide and a secret agent, you get 500 coins! I'm so happy about this! I wonder if non-members can buy anything with this?
-Tiny Tim77

Medevil Party Sneak Peak

Here is a sneak peek of the party! They are bringing back some stuff from last year, and some new things too! There will be dragons at the mine which will be coolio! Also, the pizza parlor and coffee shop will be fit for royalty! There will also be a super sweet Knight Quest for members! (Sorry to those non members) What do you think the Knight Quest will be? The Medevil Party will be from May 8-17.
-Tiny Tim77

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sled Race Upgrades

On Friday, the sled race game will be getting some pretty sweet upgrades! First of all, there is a new toboggon coming out for the game! Also, something even better, there will be music in the sled race game! I am very happy about the music! It will make sledding alot more coolio! What's your opinion on the upgrades?
-Tiny Tim77

Monday, April 20, 2009

Frossstty's Super Mod Party!

Frossstty wanted to celebrate, so here is where and when the party is.
Please Notice The Three Changes
Date: Friday April 24
Time: 1:45 Penguin Standard Time
Server: Southern Lights
Place: Dock

-Tiny Tim77

Last 1000 hits party clue!

Here is the last party clue! Fill in the blanks!
_ _ _ _ _ Fools!

30,34,29,33,_ _,32,27. Hint: +4 -5

Now add the blanks together to get the date!
In other news, Frossstty's party will be before mine, probably soon! I wont post clues, I will just tell you where when and and what time it will be. I will probably tell you tonight...
-Tiny Tim77

Agents and Tour Guides Getting Paid!

Well, the moment has finnaly come that they pay us for working so hard! ;-) Starting May 1st, they are going to start paying Agents and tour guides coins! I wonder if non-members can use these coins? Anyway, I think this is sweet because I always hate playing the games. If you have are not an agent and your old enough to be one, take the short quiz! Aunt Arctic will announce more in the coming paper. Are you a person who spends right away, or a person who saves coins?

-Tiny Tim77

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Frossstty gets a promotion

I've thought about this and I decided. Frossstty deserves a promotion. So lets give it to him! From now on Frossstty is a Super Mod! Congrats Frossstty! If you want to have a party to celebrate post a comment! Bye!
-Tiny Tim77

I met Mimo777 and my first fan!

There were three right servers. It could either be Northern Lights, Southern Lights, or Aurora. Mimo picked Northern Lights. Here is a picture of me seeing him!
Also, I met a fan of mine for the first time! His username is Knox93. He was the first fan of mine I ever met, so for that I rewarded him by adding him! It was a fun party Mimo had, and I hope you have figured out my clues so far, because I'm hoping for a big party!
-Tiny Tim77

New Furniture Catolog cheats

Sorry about the lateness of these cheats. Here are the cheats!

First, go to the page with the garden stuff and click the bottom circle on the poodle plant to get the Wheelbarrow. Cost: 480 coins
Next, go to the page with the things in shadow boxes, and click the Electric Guitar to get the Disco Ball. Cost: 700 coins.
Then, go to the page with the puffle posters and click the word "Puffle" in "Puffle Posters" to get the white puffle poster. Cost: 75 coins.
Lastly, go to the page with the pets and click the Koi Fish pond to get the Ice Table. Cost: 350 coins.
Lastly, go to the page with the Mexican stuff and click the Pinata to get the Aquariam with the fish. Cost: 500 coins.
In other news, Mimo's party is today so I hope to see you there! You can go there if you want to meet me too! I'll probably be there early.
-Tiny Tim77

Friday, April 17, 2009

Quikee Party Pictures

Quikee party over. Unfortunatly no one came. Well, here are the pics.
That person you see in the corner with the username Lolly Pop246 is one of my friends on club penguin.
In other news, mimo chat on mimo's secret site has been changed. The only problem is, you cant see what other people say! I'll try to tell mimo about this so he can get it fixed. Hopefully there will be more people at my 1000 hits party then there was here!
-Tiny Tim77

Quickee party right now!

This is the only time I will post my Quickee party on both the site and my twitter. From now on it will only be on twitter. Quickee party right now on Southern Lights Dock!
-Tiny Tim77

Catolog cheats probably tommorow

I'm just like mimo that one time he was really mad. I really dont want to do these cheats! I might work on it after soccer practice if I dont have a quickee party. Check my twitter every once in a while in case I have a quickee party!
-Tiny Tim77

Clues at my twitter

For all of you who are having trouble with the latest time clue for my 1000 hits party, you can go to my twitter for a hint. Click here to go to my twitter.
-Tiny Tim77

Thursday, April 16, 2009

1000 hits party clue #3

Here is clue #3- the time.This clue might fool you at first. Here are some hints:
1- Its not Army Time

2- Sometimes I stand on my head
3- It is
not 15:00
4- It is Penguin Standard Time
-Tiny Tim77

Trouble with Clue #2

People have been saying they dont get my 1000 hits party clue #2. Here is a hint for it: The answer is not lighttooth! Look at the first picture. It is not just a light! Its one of those things they use in Star Wars. Hmm whats that called? Thats for you to figure out!
-Tiny Tim77

New things coming!

Club Penguin's newspaper showed some new things coming! There will be new sleds to buy on ski hill that you can race with! Also, there is new music coming soon for the dance game! In other news, I will post another clue for my 1,000 hits party tonight. It will be the time.
-Tiny Tim77

New clue coming today

Sorry about no clue last night. A new clue coming today!
-Tiny Tim77

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

All mimo's party clue answers!

This one was hard! But I spent some time with Mimo chat and someone put out a guess, the head quarters. I thought about it, and I thought it was right! Here is why: Mimo put a picture of two quarters, both were on heads! So the room must be the HeadQuarters!(HQ) Here are all the answers:
Date: April 18 (cause 10+2-4+10=18)
Time: 2:30 (cause u go to dentist when tooth hurty)
Server: Southern Lights (because the lights are in the south)
Place: Head Quarters(HQ)(because there are two quarters on heads)
-Tiny Tim77

I missed Frossstty's party!

One of our mods, (frossstty) had a party today. It was posted on the old site. I couldnt make cause I was at school, sorry Frossstty! The time for me was 2:30 so I couldn't come!
-Tiny Tim77

Elite Penguin Force game now in Australia!

For all you Aussies out there Elite Penguin Force is now out in Austrailia! I'm so happy for those Aussies who have been waiting for so long! Also, a new furniture catolog is coming out soon. The theme is gardening to match the Penguin Style catolog. Anyway, new 1000 hits party clue coming tonight!
-Tiny Tim77

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How to walk while waiting for sled game!

Here is how to walk while waiting to sled race. Thank Frossstty for telling me how to do this!

Step 1- go to a sled race and click yes.
Step 2- now click the mail
Step 3- exit the mail BUT DONT EXIT THE GAME
Step 4- Click somewhere to walk there!
Thank you Frossstty!
- Tiny Tim77

Monday, April 13, 2009

1000 hits party clue #2

Here is the next clue- the server
Think about the names of these pictures add them together here's a hint: (picture+picture-light=?)
- Tiny Tim77

1000 hits party clue #1

Here is the first clue- The Place
i sit and eat cheese pizza
but i want to see penguins flying on pizza
so i head to club penguin to get some pizza
to the place to get a juicy sardine pizza

Ok, maybe i made it a little to easy, but i dont have very many fans
- Tiny Tim

Tiny Tim77 and Dustpaw777's Club Penguin sweet blog!

Hello, I will be moving my site soon right now it is on I will soon move it here, but first i have alot of work to do!
-Tiny Tim