Sunday, May 10, 2009

Caption Contest winner!

Well, the poll was very close. Let me inform you of some action you might of missed. With 10 minutes left Frossstty was winning by one point. But then with 5 minutes to spare, somone voted for Were 2 to even the score. We counted down, me and Frossstty biting our fingernails. Then, something unexpected happened when we thought that it was gonna be a tie. With 3 seconds left, somone voted for Frosstty and that made him win!

Final Score: Frossstty: 12 Were 2: 11

Congrats Frossstty! You are now a Legendary mod and are allowed admin privalages. Also, I would like to congratioulate Were 2, since he was so close. Good Job, and Congrats to all!
-Tiny Tim77

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